Presentations and Projects


Welch, S., Henderson-Murphy, P., & McCain, B.  Tie Conference, June 19, 2010, Denver, CO.

Welch, S.  Professional Development: Suggested Strategies for Building Content Area Literacy.  Berwick Area High School, January 10, 2011.

Bennett, S.J., Tucker, P., & Welch, S. Symposium: Captivating the Attention of Today’s Learners: Using Web2.0 New Literacies to Effectively Update Today’s classroom Literacy Instruction.  Annual Conference of International Reading Association, April 24-28, 2010, Chicago, IL.

Tucker, P., Bennett, S. J., & Welch, S.  Presentation: Using Graphica and New Literacies to Increase Reading/Writing Time Engagement and Intra-class Communication.  Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Council for Exceptional Children, November 6, 2009, Harrisburg, PA.

Video and Projects

5 Selected Portraits from Americans Who Tell The Truth, 2011

Urban Practicum Video, 2009
Created as part of graduate project
as representation of experience.

RASA Morning Video
Created for Urban Practicum
featuring Graduate and Undergraduate
participants from Bloomsburg University
at RASA Elementary School

Digital Portfolio, PPT (saved as movie to add to blog)
Completed in place of traditional portfolio
as part of Urban Practicum 2009
Bloomsburg University
